Pirates: The Lives and Adventures of Sundry Notorious Pirates by Charles Johnson

With a Foreword and Sundry Decorations by C. Lovat Fraser

Captain Charles Johnson (1679–1748) first published this book in the eighteenth century as The History and Lives of all the most Notorious Pirates and their Crews, and the fifth edition, from which the text is taken, was printed in 1735. 

Claud Lovat Fraser (1890–1921), an illustrator and author, republished the book in 1922 with the inclusion of a foreword and several illustrations. This present edition is a reprint, set in fresh type, of Fraser’s book.

The book outlines the bloodthirsty lives and fates of twelve notorious pirates:

  • Captain Avery
  • Captain John Rackham
  • Captain Spriggs
  • Captain Edward Lowe
  • Captain George Lowther
  • Captain Anstis
  • Captain John Phillips
  • Captain Teach, alias Blackbeard
  • Major Stede Bonnet
  • Captain William Kid
  • Captain Edward England
  • Captain John Gow, alias Smith.